What Are the Main Causes of Sagging Jowls?

Sagging jowls, often considered a symbol of aging, can significantly affect your personality, how your face looks and how you see yourself. Sagging jowls are basically those droopy areas along the jawline and are a common sign of getting older.

However, with proper care, prevention techniques, and treatments, sagging jowls can be cured. But before that, it is important to understand why jowls sag.

This article will help you understand the causes of sagging jowls better and find ways to stop or treat it.

Let’s learn what makes jowls sag. We’ll look at how our body changes, what we’re around, and the things we do.

Why Do Jowls Sag?

Jowls, that lower part of the face around the cheeks and jawline, tend to sag or droop as we get older. This happens because of various reasons related to changes in our body and lifestyle. Good thing is, we have several treatments, natural & surgical remedies, and facial exercises used to cure/reduce sagging jowls popularly these days. You should also remember that there are several measures for preventing jowl sagging naturally.

What Causes Sagging Jowls?

Aging Skin Changes

As we age, our skin goes through changes. It makes less collagen and elastin, which are like building blocks that keep our skin firm and elastic. When these decrease, the skin becomes less tight and can start to sag, including the jowls.

Gravity and Losing Face Fat

Gravity pulls everything down, including our skin. This pull can make our skin sag over time. Also, as we age, our face might lose some fat, especially around the cheeks. When this fat decreases, it can make the jowls more noticeable, becoming a reason for facial fat loss and its impact on jowls.

Genetic Influence

Some things about how our face looks are decided by our genes. This includes how likely we are to develop sagging jowls. It’s like a family thing; if someone in our family has noticeable jowls, we might be more likely to have them too.

Lifestyle Impact:

Things we do in our life can also affect how our jowls sag. Smoking, spending lots of time in the sun without protection, or having an unhealthy diet can all contribute to the skin losing its firmness and the development of sagging jowls.

Scientific Reasons for Sagging Jowls

Collagen and Elastin Breakdown

Collagen and elastin in jowl aging are like the scaffolding that keeps our skin firm and bouncy, and one of the most known scientific explanations that cause sagging jowls. As we age, these proteins break down, making our skin less elastic. When this happens, the skin around our jowls can start to droop.

Facial Fat Redistribution

Over time, the way fat is distributed in our face changes. This affects how our face looks, especially around the cheeks and jawline. When fat shifts, it can make the jowls more visible and give a sagging appearance.

Muscle Weakening

One more scientific explanation for sagging jowls that is given is that the muscles in our face can weaken with age. These muscles help support our skin. When they’re not as strong, it can contribute to the sagging of the jowls.

Effects of Aging on Collagen and Elastin

Aging affects how our body produces collagen and elastin in jowl aging. These are essential for keeping our skin tight and firm. As we get older, our body makes less of these proteins, leading to less elastic and more saggy skin.

Impact on Jowls and Facial Structure

When collagen and elastin reduce, it directly affects our jowls which is also another reason of age-related skin changes and jowl sagging. They lose their firmness, and the skin starts to sag along the jawline. This not only changes the appearance of our jowls but also affects how our entire face looks.

Role of Gravity and Loss of Facial Fat in causing sagging jowls

Gravity’s Pull on the Skin:

Imagine gravity as a force that pulls everything downward, including our skin. Over time, this pulling effect can make the skin and tissues in the lower part of our face, like the jowls, sag or droop. These effects of gravity on facial sagging are also one of the factors. It’s like how things sag when they’re pulled downwards.

Diminished Facial Fat Impact:

Our face has fat that adds volume and smoothness. As we age, this fat might decrease, especially in certain areas like the cheeks. When this happens, the lack of fat or facial fat loss can make the jowls more noticeable. It’s like losing support that keeps the skin in place.

Genetic Predisposition and Lifestyle Factors in causing sagging jowls

Genetics and Facial Structure:

Our genes, the things we inherit from our family, play a part in how our face looks and also are causes of facial sagging. Some families might have this kind of genetic predisposition and jowl sagging and a tendency to develop sagging jowls more than others. It’s like how some things about our appearance are passed down through our family.

Impact of Lifestyle Choices:

Certain things we do in our life, that define our lifestyle factors can speed up the sagging of jowls. Smoking, spending a lot of time in the sun without protection, and not taking care of our skin can all contribute. It’s like these habits can make the skin lose its firmness faster, leading to more noticeable jowls.

Environmental Factors and Pollution in causing sagging jowls

Impact of Environmental Toxins:

Environmental pollutants and toxins from things like pollution can affect our skin health. They might speed up the aging process, making our skin lose its firmness and are one of the lifestyle factors and sagging jowls. Over time, this can contribute to the sagging of jowls.

Protecting Against Environmental Damage:

To minimize exposure to these harmful pollutants, using skincare products that act as barriers against pollution and regularly cleansing the skin can help. Additionally, staying indoors during high pollution times or wearing protective clothing can also reduce exposure.

Hormonal Changes causing sagging jowls

Effects of Hormonal Fluctuations:

Hormones, like those during menopause or in certain medical conditions, can affect how elastic our skin is. When hormones fluctuate, it can reduce skin elasticity, making it easier for jowls to sag or for facial sagging.

Understanding how environmental toxins and hormonal changes can impact skin health and contribute to and are reasons for jowl sagging is essential. Taking steps to protect our skin from pollutants and being mindful of hormonal changes can help in maintaining skin elasticity and potentially slow down the sagging process.

Impact of Facial Expressions and Habits in causing sagging jowls

Repetitive Facial Expressions:

Doing certain facial movements repeatedly, like frowning or squinting, can overwork specific facial muscles. Over time, this can lead to muscle strain, potentially contributing to the sagging of jowls.

Sleeping Positions:

The way we sleep can also affect our facial appearance. Sleeping on one side consistently might put pressure on that side of the face, causing the skin to gradually sag.


Sagging jowls are a result of various factors, including aging, lifestyle, environmental influences, genetics, and even our habits. It’s essential to understand that it’s often a combination of these factors that contribute to this natural process.

To minimize jowl sagging, taking preventive measures for preventing jowl sagging like protecting the skin from pollutants, adopting healthy skincare habits, and being mindful of repetitive facial expressions can make a difference. Additionally, considering treatments that suit individual needs and consulting with skincare professionals can help manage sagging jowls effectively.

Remember, while sagging jowls may be a part of the natural aging process, taking proactive steps towards skincare and adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly impact their appearance and overall skin health.


What causes your jowls to sag?

Aging, gravity, loss of skin elasticity, and lifestyle factors contribute to jowl sagging.

How can I tighten my jowls?

Facial exercises, skincare routines, and certain cosmetic procedures may help tighten jowls.

What is the best treatment for sagging jowls?

Treatments like dermal fillers, thread lifts, or surgical procedures can address sagging jowls, but the best option varies for each person.

Do jowls go away with weight loss?

While weight loss might reduce fat in the face, it may not completely eliminate jowls, as skin elasticity also plays a role.

At what age do jowls develop?

Jowls can start developing around the late 30s to mid-40s, but this can vary based on genetics and lifestyle habits.

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